Chapter 13 Bankruptcy
Chapter 13 Bankruptcy involves the repayment of debt. Under a Chapter 13 Bankruptcy Debt Repayment Plan, individuals repay all or a portion of their Debt over a 3 to 5 year period of time. You will pay your Unsecured Creditors anywhere between 10% and 100% of what is owed. During the repayment period, creditors are prohibited from collection activities. Filing Chapter 13 Bankruptcy will stop Foreclosures and Repossessions and Discharge certain IRS Debt. Back Child Support can also be paid through your Chapter 13 Bankruptcy repayment plan.
- Chapter 13 Bankruptcy will STOP your Driver's License from being Suspended for: Parking Tickets, Tollway Violations, Red Light Violations or Judgments from an Auto Accident.
- Chapter 13 Bankruptcy will DISCHARGE your Parking Tickets, Tollway Violations, Red Light Violations and Judgments from an Auto Accident.

- Foreclosures
- Vehicle From Being Booted
- Vehicle From Being Impounded
- Vehicle Repossessions
- Wage Garnishments
- Wage Assignments
- Credits Cards
- Medical Bills
- Payday Loans
- Creditor Harassment
- Utility Shut Offs
- Lawsuits & Judgments
- If your vehicle was recently Repossessed, filing Chapter 13 Bankruptcy will allow you to RECOVER YOUR VEHICLE.
- If your Vehicle Payment is Too High, filing Chapter 13 Bankruptcy may allow you to
Many people choose Chapter 13 Bankruptcy when they do not qualify for Chapter 7 Bankruptcy. Under certain circumstances you cannot file a Chapter 7 Bankruptcy. For example, if you’ve already filed a Chapter 7 Bankruptcy within the past 8 years or if you want to protect the Equity in your Home. Also, your income may be too high to qualify for a Chapter 7 Bankruptcy.
For more than 29 years, Chicago Bankruptcy Attorney Frank G. Cortese has helped individuals and families get on the right path financially. He has successfully represented thousands of clients through the Bankruptcy process and can help determine whether a Chapter 7 Bankruptcy, Chapter 13 Bankruptcy or other financial solution is right for you. Mr. Cortese has represented clients throughout the Chicagoland area, including Cook, DuPage, Kane and Will Counties.
Contact Chicago Bankruptcy Attorney Frank G. Cortese for a Free Consultation if you are facing financial hardship or are overwhelmed by debt. He has years of experience successfully representing individuals in Bankruptcy Court and can help you determine whether Chapter 7 Bankruptcy, Chapter 13 Bankruptcy or other debt relief option is right for you.
Chapter 13 Bankruptcy is available with No Money Down in most cases, for Qualified Wage Earners.